April’s Community Nights will be centered around sustainability education and caring for the environment. We are welcoming a handful of local organizations whose missions are to provide resources and information to help the community make more sustainable choices in their everyday lives.
Participating Organizations
Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub will be collecting hard-to-recycle items. See below for more details.
Queen City Commons will be hosting a composting worm bin demonstration.
The Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub will be collecting hard-to-recycle items during this event. Those who bring in items to recycle will receive a voucher for $1 off a drink at Jane’s! See below for a full list of items they’ll be collecting:
Bread Bags from Bimbo brands (Sara Lee, Thomas', Brownberry, Bay's, Entenmann's, Arnold, Ballpark, Bimbo, Beefsteak, Nature's Harvest, The Rustik Oven, Cheesecake Factory, Lender's Bagels, and Boboli)
Contact lens blister packaging
Contact lens plastic storage cases and single dose eye drop units
Granola bar foil-lined wrappers
Paktech can holders
Plastic Coffee Bags
Plastic flexible packaging from any Kroger brands (Kroger, Simple Truth, Private Selection)
Plastic straws and utensils (wrapped and unwrapped)
Oral Care Packaging (toothbrushes, empty toothpaste tubes and floss containers, floss picks)
RX bottles (orange, blue, or green only)