Sponsorship Opportunities
Findlay Market is the oldest continuously-operated market in Ohio, and one of the top 5 attractions in the Greater Cincinnati area. Newsweek named Findlay Market one of the top 10 best food markets in the world in 2019. Findlay Market attracts more than 1.4 million annual visitors, and has cemented its place as the most unique shopping experience in town.
An average week at Findlay Market sees approximately 25,000 visitors (even more in the summer and during events!). Findlay Market also has a broad social media reach, and successfully advertises to 75,000 Facebook followers, 63,900 Instagram followers and 47,500 Twitter followers.
Findlay Market is proud to offer an impressive line-up of special events throughout the year, including:
Chili Fest (average traffic = 7,336)
Findlay Market Opening Day Parade
Juneteenth (average traffic = 11,508)
Fall Food Festival (average traffic = 9,248)
Holiday Market (average traffic = 16,695)
Sponsor an event to maximize your brand’s exposure to the Findlay Market customer base. Benefits include:
Opportunity to have staffed booth and/or company display at the market during event
Company name and logo on all promotional materials for event, both digital and print
Company name and logo on all day-of-event signage
Recognition in any television and radio broadcast promotion of event
Recognition in all event print media articles and press release announcements
Recognition on Findlay Market’s social media outlets prior to event
Company name on event website with link to company’s website
Recognition in Findlay Market e-newsletter
A Findlay Market sponsorship allows you to associate your brand with the positive atmosphere of the Market while supporting our mission to connect farmers, producers, sellers and customers in a dynamic, diverse public marketplace. We hope you will consider becoming part of the Findlay Market family!
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at info@findlaymarket.org.